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Battling frizz can feel like a full-time job, especially when you have factors like humidity working against you. There are so many quick fixes you can take to momentarily smooth down flyaways, like hair oils or leave-in conditioners. But odds are, if you’ve been in a battle with frizz for your whole life like I have, you’ve heard a little something about keratin.
Keratin treatments are an in-salon service you can get that reduces frizz and adds shine to your hair. But they can be pricey, and when done incorrectly, potentially damaging. But whether you opt for a salon treatment or not, you can still get the smoothing, healing, and repairing benefits of keratin right in your shower. “If you’ve got frizzy locks and are afraid to take the leap and get a full-on keratin treatment at the salon, then a keratin shampoo is a great way to start,” says Hawkins. Here, find the 13 best keratin shampoos that can actually alleviate frizz, for good.
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