MONTH OF November
Lean in or let go? You’re facing that question all over your life as November begins, right in the heat of eclipse season. A pair of eclipses on the Taurus/Scorpio axis are revealing who’s really on Team Sagittarius and who’s just along for a free ride. And you probably got a clear (if startling) view of this at the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse. Some part of your life may have cleared itself out fast, making space for the new. With the Sun in Scorpio and your twelfth house of healing and closure until November 22, you might be feeling sleepy or introspective. Use this time to release people and situations that are dragging you down—an all-over life Feng Shui.
On November 8, a total lunar eclipse lands in Taurus, activating your sixth house of health, helpful people and organization. Get ready for a wild reconfiguring of your day-to-day schedule or the people you rely on. You could get a surge of motivation to go clean and green or you might receive doctor’s orders to change some part of your lifestyle. Take the medicine, eat the veggies…you can’t resist the power of an eclipse!
When it’s time to eat turkey, however, it’s a whole new ballgame. Sagittarius (and birthday) season bounds in on November 22, kicking off a month to “do you!” The November 23 Sagittarius new moon starts a fresh six-month cycle for your personal passions—and you get an extra gift today because your ruling planet, Jupiter, also ends a four-month retrograde.
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With the Sun, moon, social Mercury AND harmonious Venus all in Sagittarius on Thanksgiving (November 24), Archers observing the holidays might be in for a treat. Eclipse shake-ups or not, this year’s festivities could be refreshingly fun and light on drama. The bar, of course, is set pretty low after the past few years of political feuds and pandemics. But even if things do veer into midterm elections talk, you’ll have four celestial guardian angels to help you swiftly change the subject—or graciously share your opinion without making anyone else wrong. With lucky Jupiter in your home and family zone, get creative finding new ways to enjoy time with family members whose voting choices and other values might not match your own. Christmas music karaoke, anyone?
Rest up: It’s Scorpio season until November 22
Stay in bed a little longer, Sag—it’s okay. As much as you want to get up and go early, you’re having a tough time rallying now. And with good reason: The Sun is doing its annual slow-jam in Scorpio until November 22, activating your twelfth house of rest, endings and the subconscious. Even restless centaurs need to rest their hooves. Process your emotions now so you’ll be ripe and ready for your birthday when Sagittarius season starts right after this!
It’s not that you’re lying around doing nothing, exactly. But most of your “work” is happening on an ethereal or energetic plane. Those extra hours of sleep—including vivid dreams—are your mind and body’s way of working through some heavy-duty issues that can’t be resolved with your thinking mind. Even when you’re awake, your meandering pace is actually leading you places. Follow the muse, your intuition and signs from the universe. You’re dialed in now, Sag, and you’re getting divine guidance that’s well worth following.
When you ARE on-duty, focus on finishing lingering projects rather than starting anything new. This is your annual time to clear the decks. Assess all the obligations you’ve signed up for: Do they drain or energize you? Clean house of the ones that sap your vitality. With energy from the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse still lingering, this is an important time to stop caretaking, enabling and overfunctioning. You deserve to be supported too, Sagittarius!
The November 8 Taurus full moon is a total lunar eclipse
Time to get serious about your work and well-being! On November 8, the Taurus lunar full blood moon eclipse sounds the call for self-care as it races through your sixth house of health, organization and helpful people. This is the second Taurus lunar eclipse in a series that began on November 19, 2021, and will travel across the Taurus/Scorpio axis until October 28, 2023.
All year long, this new energy wave has prompted you to improve your habits, trimming the excess everywhere. From your budget to your work projects to what you put on your plate, the 2022 eclipse mandate has been all about enjoying moderation. As the zodiac sign ruled by supersizer Jupiter, this could be a surprising change from your more-is-merrier standard operating procedure. An even bigger surprise is how good you feel from rightsizing your life and enjoying “enough” of a good thing!
Are you getting the support you need, Archer? Changes to Team Sagittarius could be on deck at this eclipse. The sixth house rules helpful people, from employees to service providers. A key wingperson could exit or enter your life, leaving you no choice but to quickly upgrade your systems and find new go-to assistants.
It could happen out of the blue since this year’s full moon is in close conjunction to radical changemaker Uranus—almost like a triple-strength eclipse. As if that wasn’t enough, the moon-Uranus duo will lock into a challenging T-square with tough Saturn in your communication house and a Sun-Mercury-Venus trio in Scorpio and your twelfth house of closure and release.
Your prescription for a more balanced life looks like this: a combination of healthy boundaries with everyone, regular exercise and some well-deserved downtime (what’s that again?). With these planets pulling you between the material and the spiritual, you might also adopt some practices like journaling, guided meditation or a fun dance class into your routine.
Superpowered Sags forget that you, like other mere mortals, can also benefit from self-care. With the lunar eclipse charging up your analytical sixth house, stress and anxiety levels can spike. Get proactive and put in some rituals to manage this before you reach the point of no return!
November 19: Mars-Neptune square
Friends and family could be a source of consternation this November 19 as stressful Mars and hazy Neptune have a showdown in parts of your chart related to both. Mars, now retrograde, is adding stress to your relationship realm. You could be feeling pressure to give someone an answer about the future of a relationship. Alas, going to loved ones for advice could just lead to even more confusion. With Neptune in your emotional, domestic fourth house (and also retrograde), it will be nearly impossible to get unbiased advice. Guilt trips are another story—and those will be liberally handed out today, possibly also by you. Boundaries could get blurry, so make an effort to separate what’s your “stuff” and what’s theirs.
November 22: Sun enters Sagittarius and November 23 Sagittarius new moon
The energy dip is over! On November 22, the life-giving Sun moves into Sagittarius for a month (hello, birthday season!), followed swiftly by a Sagittarius new moon on November 23. This annual new moon in your sign is like your personal new year. Why wait until January 1 to kick-start those resolutions? Your sign is always 10 steps ahead of everyone else anyway.
Set intentions for where you’d like to be by the Sagittarius FULL moon next summer. Initiatives you begin now could blossom into something major that puts your name on the map! With social Mercury and attractor Venus also in Sagittarius at the new moon, a friend, love interest or someone you meet at a holiday party could be a helpful ally when it comes to reaching your personal goals.
Jupiter retrograde ends November 23
Strong emotions could pour out after November 23, when your ruler, lucky and effusive Jupiter, ends a four-month retrograde. As the red-spotted planet powers forward in Pisces, it activates your fourth house of home, family and personal affairs. Things on the domestic front could really speed up! Paired with today’s Sagittarius new moon, your personal life is about to get a major upgrade.
This is the third and final leg of Jupiter’s visit to Pisces, which has been an on-and-off thing since May 2021. If you’ve been bottling things up, get ready to experience ALL the feels while Jupiter rounds out its tour through December 20.
The fourth house rules women and mothers. Your mom or a maternal figure might be a big part of events now. You could feel a strong desire to nurture and to be nurtured over the holiday season. If you’re a parent, you may have struggled with empty-nest issues or carving out time for yourself.
Now that can-do Jupiter is moving forward, you’ll feel much more optimistic and energized, whether you’re settling an issue with roommates, pondering parenthood or dealing with the intricacies of raising kids. This cycle is favorable for moving, renovating and nesting. Jupiter’s direct (forward) turn could bring exciting real estate developments. And with the global-ambassador planet acting as your listings broker, your next address could be in a different zip code—if not country code!
Love could take a backseat or even hit a little speed bump—at least during the first half of November. For starters, lusty Mars, who’s been turning up the heat in your partnership realm since August 20, is now retrograde until January 12. Single Archers might consider trying things again with an ex or even taking a hiatus from the pressure of dating during the holidays. Couples could reconsider a connection that’s not turning out the way you’d hoped. Of course, if it’s just a momentary hiccup, waste no time reconciling—and enjoying some torrid makeup sex. But this might be a smart time to take a timeout, especially if you’ve been fighting a lot.
With the other love planet, Venus, in Scorpio and your twelfth house of endings until November 16, there’s even more reason to slow down or even pause. You may find peace in releasing something that no longer serves you. Or maybe that serenity will come from simply ceasing to try to control the outcome. Surrender into a state of acceptance—for who you are and who they are. It’s better than trying to change someone or swimming against the tide. Release it all to the universe, Sagittarius. You’ve been getting this memo since the October 25 Scorpio solar eclipse. Gentle Venus is here to help ease the process.
With Venus in your twelfth house of fantasy and illusion, lines can get blurred with your imagination working overtime, and that could tempt you to snoop or get unnecessarily suspicious. Your own flirtations, especially online, could drift into murky terrain. An innocent chat might veer into areas that become confusing, possibly paving the way for something less than upstanding.
Some of this heaviness will dissipate in the second half of November. In fact, you might just be the star of every scene from November 16 to December 9 as love planet Venus visits Sagittarius. This makes you flirty and feisty—not that you’ll be pinned down easily. With Venus in your independent first house, a little room to roam keeps you interested. (Smotherers, step to the left!) If you’re “on a break” from someone you’ve been seeing, well, we won’t judge if you decide to have a little spontaneous, no-strings fun.
Burning the midnight oil? Not so much, Archer. With the Scorpio Sun power-napping in your twelfth house of rest until November 22, you’re catching up after a socially supercharged October. Embrace this slowed-down cycle because once el Sol swings into your sign afterward, you’ll be back with a vengeance, buoyed even more by the November 23 Sagittarius new moon. Until then, make your way through any unfinished projects so you can start your birthday season with a clean slate.
Maybe you’ve landed at a career crossroads, unsure which path to take. Dipping into the well of inspiration can help you hone what it is you really want—including a larger purpose in life beyond your paycheck. If you’re struggling to ignite the spark, listen to motivational podcasts or pick up a book by a favorite author to rekindle your passions.
Be mindful of the people you bring around this month. The November 8 Taurus lunar eclipse could shake up Team Sagittarius as it sweeps through your sixth house of employees and helpful people. Is it time to start delegating more or to put better systems in place to stay organized and efficient?
In addition, go-getter Mars is retrograde in Gemini and your partnership zone until January 12. If you’re not feeling certain about someone, don’t make things official just yet. Use this time to ask the tough questions, or to test your chemistry on a trial project instead of rushing into any binding arrangements.
Love Days: 4, 10
Money Days: 16, 26
Luck Days: 15, 23
Off Days: 8, 12, 21
Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at