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Stephen King movies can run the gamut. Adaptations of Kings’ work have landed the genre some of our all-time favorite titles; Carrie, The Shawshank Redemption, Misery and The Green Mile, just for starters. Then there have been some less than satisfactory reimaginings of his stories that have left anything but a good taste in our mouths. I’m looking directly at you, Trucks.
But, if you’re anything like me, you have room in your schedule for Stephen King adaptations both prestige and trash alike. Luckily our good friends at Tubi have us covered. Today we’re looking at all fifteen Stephen King films available to watch for free on the world’s premiere unpaid streamer.
Some of the best Stephen King titles ready to binge on Tubi include the John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson haunted hotel classic 1408. This spooky, tragic and twisted adaptation of the King short story of the same name is always worth a repeat visit.
The second-best selection, I would argue, is the 1979 Tobe Hooper adaptation of Salem’s Lot. While this is technically a miniseries, until we receive a proper theatrical adaptation later this year, I consider this to be movie canon. Besides who wasn’t traumatized by little Danny Glick floating in the window with sinister intent? Scary stuff.
Here are 15 Stephen King adaptations streaming on Tubi for free:
- 1408
- Carrie (2002)
- Cell
- Children of the Corn (1984)
- Children of the Corn: Genesis
- Creepshow II
- Firestarter Rekindled
- A Good Marriage
- Riding the Bullet
- Salem’s Lot (1979)
- Secret Window
- Sometimes They Come Back Again
- Sometimes They Come Back Again … For More
- Trucks
- Unearthed and Untold: The Story of Pet Sematary
Another Stephen King adaptation available to stream for free on Tubi which I will be making time for is the scary and underrated Mick Garris joint Riding the Bullet. Released in 2004, Riding the Bullet features excellent performances from David Arquette and Barbara Hershey. The novella of the same name was released in the year 2000 and is considered to be the world’s first-ever mass-market e-book.

Laslty, what do you think? Will you be checking out any of the above Stephen King movie adaptations on Tubi before they disappear for good? Make sure to let me know on Twitter via @joshkorngut. I’m always around to chat about all things, Stephen King!