Well, it sounds like we will be receiving even more Anaconda soon. Jeff Sneider of The Hot Mic Video Podcast shared some very exciting news for big killer snake fans everywhere. And what isn’t to love about these extremely cheesy and yet, adventure-filled films? Ever since Jennifer Lopez and Jon Voight faced off against each other and a bunch of giant killer snakes audiences have hungered for more.
According to Tom Gormican the writer behind The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, the very meta take on Nicolas Cage, he is currently working on writing a reboot for Anaconda. What is most interesting is that it appears that Gormican is going to bring some of that meta-sensibility to the next slithery chapter.
“Anaconda is going to be a meta-movie. And from what I understand it’ll be something close to this… this isn’t the actual logline… it’s going to involve an actor or actors playing loose fictional versions of themselves who go off to make an ‘Anaconda’ movie. All hell breaks loose.” Gormican said.
Of course, this is still very early on in the process. Especially with Gormican still penning the script and actively putting things together. Plus, who isn’t going to love real-life versions of the actors they are playing battling snakes? Gormican has already worked with Cage… I’m just throwing my vote out there but why not have Cage come along and play himself in the next Anaconda film?
Wes Craven did a fantastic job with his New Nightmare. He was thinking years beyond the times he lived in but that is exactly the meta approach that Craven took.

1997’s Anaconda synopsis went like this:
Filmmaker Terri Flores (Jennifer Lopez) is traveling deep in the Amazon jungle looking for a forgotten tribe. Terri and her crew, which includes an anthropologist (Eric Stoltz) and a cameraman (Ice Cube), come across Paul (Jon Voight), who is stranded on the riverbank. He offers to help them find the tribe, but his secretive behavior puts everyone on edge. They realize too late that he’s using them to find a legendary anaconda that’s worth a fortune — if they can catch it.
We are very excited about Gormican’s announcement and are fully supportive of this becoming a feature-length film soon. I wonder if they could even bring back the original cast to play themselves in that manner. Regardless of what they come up with, we are already thrilled about the prospect of delving back into those perilous, snake-filled waters.