iHorror’s GUTS ‘N’ BOLTS (The Inside Scoop)
It’s the 40th Anniversary for Return of the Living Dead, and the gang is back, with DRagonSTUDIOS’ Trash’s Revenge/ROTLD Universe, a modern-day spin-off to the beloved rumpus horror classic.
“It’s not a sequel”, Linnea says. “I’m not a big admirer of sequels. It’s a stand alone. It’s its own thing.”
Linnea Quigley (Return of the Living Dead, Night of the Demons, The Good Things Devils Do) has joined with co-star Beveryly Randolph (Return of the Living Dead, Death House, Sacred Grounds: Forbidden) British Screenwriter, Producer and Actor Richard Driscoll (Star Wars/Return of the Jedi, Arch of Triumph and Eldorado) and John Russo (Night of the Living Dead) to produce a film set in the same universe, with a modern slant that they think new and older audiences alike will enjoy.

“Trash’s Revenge is a macabre and blood-soaked tale of vanity, obsession, and the lengths people will go to remain relevant,” says Richard, who wrote, and will direct the script. “It combines sharp satire with relentless horror, and explores whether Trash can achieve the redemption she craves, or if she is doomed to remain an undead relic of a bygone era.”
Forty years later, we’re going to find out. Trash’s Revenge rises from the grave with a darkly comedic and terrifying new chapter. Punk icon Trash (Linnea Quigley) finds herself a forgotten star, her fame relegated to the dusty archives of horror history. Clinging to her past glory, Trash has become a grotesque echo of Norma Desmond from Sunset Boulevard, scraping by through convention appearances and autograph signings while her former co-stars have moved on to greater success. But Trash is not ready to fade away.
“You can’t top Return of the Living Dead”, Linnea says. “You can only add to it. I got excited when I read the script.”
“The challenge lies in striking a balance honoring the legacy of the 1985 classic without simply rehashing what’s been done before as many of the previous sequels have,” Richard says. “With Trash’s Revenge, the first film in The Return of the Living Dead Universe, we aim to break new ground while preserving the essence of what fans love about the original film.”
Trash’s Revenge is set to use elements of CGI to bring back to life parts for Clu Gulager, James Karen, and Don Calfa. The producers know that it may come with some controversy and doubt.
“I’m not a fan of AI. I don’t think it’s going to be a good thing, nor do I like CGI that much,” Beverly, who played Tina in the original says. “This particular part in the movie is an homage. We have the blessings of loved ones and family.”
“We’re only using a little bit,” Linnea chimes in, “just to say, hey. They’re here. They would’ve loved to be in the movie.”
“There had to be a way to involve them,” Richard says. “It wasn’t easy, but I believe I’ve found a way to include their legacy in the film in a respectful and intelligent manner, one that
will resonate with fans. Their inclusion is a heartfelt homage to two iconic actors who were vital to the success of the original. I’ve made sure that it’s done in a way that I hope fans will truly appreciate and connect with.”
Beverly beams as she thinks back. “This is definitely a very special situation for this, where the cast is reunited. I think it’s very cool.”
“It’s like when people get together and put a bottle of beer on the seat for somebody to remember them,” Linnea adds. “They’re not there, but in spirit they are.”
With Richard, Linnea and Beverly set to produce the new and bold installment in the Return Universe, they would need to finance the film. So let’s rewind for a moment:
40 years ago, Dan O’Bannon released Return of the Living Dead in 1985, disrupting the George Romero tenets of what it meant to be a zombie: shambling, slow moving ghouls dangerous in numbers. The Return of the Living Dead took a new approach, giving the world zombies who could run. Zombies that could talk. And zombies that had strict diets of brains, to prevent the pain of being dead. It was a refreshing new vision. 40 years later, Richard Driscoll takes a similar bold new approach, not just with the story of Trash’s Revenge, but how to get there.
Richard has spearheaded the creation of CineBacker (cinebacker.com), a new, unique crowdfunding platform made by filmmakers, that bridges the gap between the makers of the film and their supporters. DRagonSTUDIOS (dragonflix.biz) will be calling upon the help of its own audience to aid in financing the Trash’s Revenge film.
“What I’ve learned throughout the process of preparing for Trash’s Revenge
is simple: Respect the fans,” Richard says. “They are the heart of the franchise, and if you
want their support, you need to genuinely value and respect their connection to the material. It’s key to earning their trust and involvement. The success of a project like this ultimately hinges on their support. Crowdfunding and grassroots promotion are essential to bringing this vision to life.”
CineBacker is unique as it is not only run by filmmakers but it tries to help get their
projects made
“We have a section called the X Factor”, he explains. “For Producers looking to make their film, it will show you how. CineBacker is here to revolutionize the game with an innovative, hands-on approach. We also take on an active producer role offering a comprehensive package that extends far beyond just raising funds.”
He’s not kidding. CineBacker, the fresh faced new-kid-on-the-block of crowdfunders, provides talent pools of actors, crew members and other creatives. It helps with distribution support, navigating domestic and foreign markets, festival submissions, marketing and Public Relations aid, and more.
Richard is adamant that Trash’s Revenge be the first feature film to grace the platform. It is in it’s crowd sourcing campaign now.
“Richard is great”, says Linnea. “He really cares about us and the story, and doing something with it that doesn’t just pander to the intellectual property for cheap returns.”
“We all really like each other and still keep in touch”, Beverly says. “It’s exciting that we can all stick together. We were all supposed to be together in Part 2, but it never happened. We were devastated.”
“Just like 28 Days Later got to 28 Years Later”, Linnea adds with a laugh, “this actually went 40 years later! We’d like to bring it back to life in a different way. It will still have creepy zombies, most of the original cast, all of it.”
“Oh look!” Beverly exclaims. “Thom (Mathews, Freddy in Return of the Living Dead) is texting me right now! We have a musical scene together, and I can’t wait,” she says smiling.
A musical scene?
“There are musical aspects to it. We hope to make a movie that hasn’t been done before, that the audience can really love,” she says.
“With Trash’s Revenge”, Richard says, “our goal is to appeal to a modern audience; something that not only excites existing fans but also introduces new ones to the Return of the Living Dead Universe, proving that horror can thrive when it remains true to its roots.”
“We’re all in this!”, says Beverly.
And so they are. Are you?
Trash’s Revenge Campaign is LIVE, on CineBacker.com.