At the time the news broke, Sam put out his own statement confirming everything. “Shit happens,” he wrote on IG. “Asking for privacy seems ridiculous so I will just ask for everyone including media to be kind and thoughtful.”
Since then, we haven’t heard too much from Sam about the divorce in specific — but, thanks to a new interview with People, that just changed.
“It was a blessing to be able to share life with someone for a long time,” he said. “And people grow apart and people move on.”
Sam also said that he tries to keep it positive because he’s “always hated” when exes “part ways [and] talk badly about each other.”
“That’s something I’m never going to do because I had nothing but an amazing experience and a great life, and that’s always going to be part of my life, a chapter of my life.”
That’s that, I guess! You can read the entire interview with him here.