“Henry Winkler! Hands down the NICEST person I’ve ever met. He was on stage talking about his life, and afterward, he waited in the foyer and took an individual photo with every single person. It must have been a few thousand? I was second to last; he had been taking photos for about two hours. His team had a speedy and efficient process, so it was very quick when you got close in line. Anyway, the lady in front of me was behaving poorly and taking up too much time. She wanted to take more and more photos and show Henry all these posters and stuff she’d brought with her. The handlers eventually called security, and the woman had an actual tantrum on the floor. Henry had stood perfectly still while this escalated, and he and I just looked at each other, over the older woman kicking her legs up at three security guards, like, WTF?”
“At this point, I expected him to be exhausted and ready to be done with all of this. Instead, he still greeted me warmly, thanked me for coming to his show, and thanked me for waiting for him. I stood shoulder to shoulder and ensured I didn’t touch him, but instead, he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in tight. It was like taking a photo with a close relative or friend. When we finished, he thanked me again for coming out, as if I was doing him the favor! Just a real nice man, a genuine and sincere person.”