So Help Me Todd‘s mother-son legal duo exhibited “unprofessional, unethical and frankly ridiculous” behavior in Thursday’s finale. And we wouldn’t have had it any other way.
The season ender gave fans much to celebrate, with Todd and Margaret working together (wackily as always!) to win a major cash settlement for a group of deserving victims; the fact that they also revealed an attempted homicide was merely the icing on the cake.
It also ended with a pair of potentially life-altering cliffhangers — one involving the show’s central couple, and another featuring the return of a familiar face — that fans will be processing now until the show’s return, whenever that is. (In case you haven’t heard, there’s a bit of a writers strike happening at the moment. So while Todd has a reserved slot on CBS’ fall schedule, there’s no guarantee that the show will return to production in time to actually make that happen.)
Read on for a breakdown of the biggest developments from Thursday’s So Help Me Todd finale, including one couple’s major step forward and another character’s personal crisis. Once you’ve processed everything, grade the finale and drop a comment with your full review. Plus, what are your hopes for Season 2?
Margaret Makes Partner
Image Credit: Courtesy of CBS Margaret was on cloud nine after her big win, but Beverly wasted no time pulling her down to earth with a scathing condemnation of the unconventional tactics she and Todd employed this week. And that turned out to be the straw that broke Margaret’s back.
“I have bent over backwards for my clients for this firm for years, dancing like a puppet on a string while you dangle a named partnership over my head,” Margaret said. “I’m sick of it. I deserve to have my name above that door, and if you can’t see that, you don’t deserve me. I am more than happy to walk out of here and start my own firm and spend the rest of my days kicking your legal butt.”
But just when we thought So Help Me Todd was setting the stage for a Margaret/Beverly war in Season 2, Beverly stopped Margaret from walking out the door by giving her exactly what she’s always wanted.
“I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very, very long time — you pushing back, fighting for what’s yours like a named partner should,” Beverly said. “See you first thing Monday morning at Crest, Folding and Wright.”
Todd Gets His License
Image Credit: Courtesy of CBS Margaret wasn’t the only Wright with something to celebrate this week. Todd finally got his private investigator’s license! That little boy really is growing up before our very eyes.
Susan (Maybe) Elopes
Image Credit: Courtesy of CBS Congratulations are in order for Susan and Peter, who decided to elope in Las Vegas. But let’s be real, Francey is the only person on this show who’s actually happy for them. Not only did she talk Susan through her doubts about marrying Peter, but she also begged Todd not to “screw this up for her” by making a dramatic declaration at the airport.
But did Todd take Francey’s plea to heart? We’re not so sure. After all, he opted not to go home with Margaret in order to “check on a few things.” One of those “things” could very well be rushing to stop Susan and Peter’s flight from taking off.
Allison Makes A Change
Image Credit: CBS screenshot Allison has been fairly directionless for much of this show’s first season, but Todd’s newly divorced sister was especially adrift in the finale. A ghost of her former self, she spent most of the hour taking long baths, cluelessly blowing her brother’s cover during an investigation, and aimlessly staring into space as she contemplated her next steps.
Other than a dramatic hair makeover, however, it remains anyone’s guess where those next steps will lead Allison. So feel free to drop some suggestions for the wayward Wright in a comment below.
#Margus Makes It Official
Image Credit: Courtesy of CBS That’s right, we said #Margus!
Margaret and Gus spent most of the hour butting heads, as she reluctantly turned to him for help in her battle against a corporation he once defeated in court, but that tension turned very sexual very quickly. By the end of the finale, the couple was making out in the middle of a bar after he came clean about wanting to date her — you know, despite her being the most frustrating woman he’s ever met “in court or on the street.”
Harry Returns!
Image Credit: CBS screenshot But Gus won’t be the only man on Margaret’s mind after this finale. She nearly dropped her champagne when she came home to find her ex-husband Harry standing in her entryway.
This is the first time we’ve seen Mark Moses’ character since he lied about having Parkinson’s disease and secretly flew to Iceland — all because he simply couldn’t stand being married to Margaret anymore.
And we’re guessing things haven’t gone great for him in the interim, based on Harry’s haunting final line: “Iceland was horrible.”
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