WEEK OF September 5 – 1 1, 2022
How you communicate with your closest people becomes a keen focus this week as caring and sharing Venus buzzes into Virgo and your third house of friends, siblings and local activity on Monday, September 5. “Home” is a sacred concept to your sign of domestic bliss, Cancer, but it doesn’t have to be limited to your street address. The joy and contentment you feel there can radiate outward and permeate your entire ‘hood and maybe even hometown. But so much of your inner world is colored by your social interactions, and with Venus in this zone for the next four weeks, you can get in touch with how communication (both verbal and non-) influences those connections. Enchanting Venus can make you a livelier raconteur than usual, and because you’re a Cancer, you can’t help but bring emotionality and meaningfulness into all your conversations. Venus will activate this sector until September 29, giving you carte blanche to welcome new kindred spirits into your inner circle. The other side of the coin is that you won’t feel the need to stick with anything local you’re NOT feeling connected to. Seeking a new yoga studio, nail salon, co-working space? What a fun excuse to start scouting out new purveyors. And since Venus IS the love goddess, in your communication corner, she can turn you into quite the flirt. During this transit, you might be pleasantly surprised by “local talent” and new faces on dating apps. Just keep an open mind! Couples should socialize more as a pair, maybe hosting events at the Crab Castle for your mutual friend group.
Speaking of the home front…later in the week, Chez Cancer may become “ground zero” for all your social needs. Messenger Mercury pivots into retrograde on Friday in Libra and your domestic fourth house until September 23, when it backflips into Virgo and your communication house. Until this reversal ends on October 2, be extra mindful of what you say to someone’s face and what you post online. Your emotions could be especially raw, and in spite of your best intentions, you might not be able to mask them. Biting your tongue won’t be easy, but for everyone’s sake, try.
Unfiltered candid comments may be utterly impossible to contain starting on Saturday, when the year’s only full moon in emo Pisces lands in your blunt and spontaneous ninth house. Now, honesty CAN be the best policy, but not if there’s even a chance that your words might hurt or offend anyone. So while you don’t want to repress your authentic feelings and reactions, you do need to wield your truth hammer mindfully. Think of how the comment you’re about to unleash would make YOU feel. And if you cringe even slightly or tears well up, self-issue a gag order. You can speak your mind and still keep those Crab claws retracted. Of course, since Pisces is the sentimental romantic of the zodiac, what might come flooding out could be a confession of affection.
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Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut (The AstroTwins), have been ELLE.com‘s official astrologers for over a decade. They are the authors of several astrology books, including their popular yearly horoscope guides, and have read charts for celebrities including Beyonce, Karlie Kloss and Emma Roberts. For their spot-on predictions, books and online courses, visit them at astrostyle.com.